Version control


It is important to ensure that different copies or versions of files, data held in different formats or locations, and information that is cross-referenced between files are all subject to version control. Checks and procedures should be put in place to make sure that if the information in one file is altered, the related information in other files is also updated if necessary. It is important to keep track of which version of a file is the most current, especially where data files are shared between people or held in different locations. 

Version control can be maintained through: 

  • file naming conventions, using number sequences or dates in file names, including a file history or version control table at the start of each file, in which versions, dates, authors and details of changes to the file are recorded
  • version control facilities within software, e.g. RStudio
  • controlling rights to file editing
  • versioning software, e.g. Git, a system that allows you to record all the changes you make to a file and to revert to a previous version if, for example, you make a mistake. Version control also allows your collaborators to see the changes you make to files and will help resolve conflicts if two people try to change the same file.
  • manual merging of entries or edits by multiple users

Because version control tracks the changes you make to files as you develop your analysis or model it is an essential part of ensuring the quality of any final outputs. However, version control is also useful for day-to-day data analysis or modelling exercises as it provides an easy way to track your work and share this securely with collaborators e.g. via the Git repository hosting service GitHub, which can host version control repositories that can be configured to be private to you and your collaborators or visible publicly.

If you want to learn more about version control and how it might be useful for your work, contact your NERC Data Centre for more information.

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